The ramblings of a Californian, living in Nashville, going to Art School, looking towards the big city...

Monday, July 13, 2009


It's been about a week since I got back from Chicago. The trip was filled with different levels of excitement, stress, and overall enjoyment. Carissa and I were ticketed for running across train tracks, we saw an Alec Soth in the Art Institute, and spent some time with some good friends.

Something that I've been thinking about, especially when I see art hanging in museums is that I often feel like I am wasting my time right now, or that I'm not working hard enough. But I keep forgetting, I have years... I need to finish school, see what my life will entail, and the work will come with time. Very few if any of the artists hanging in the Art Institute, or in New York are 22. I have time, I just need to keep working on it.

Here's what I saw in Chicago.

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